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  • Veritas Enterprise Vault 12.x: Administration II

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Course Details

IIA – Administering File System Archiving

Lesson 1: Enterprise Vault FSA Overview
• Enterprise Vault FSA: Introduction
• FSA concepts and terminology

Lesson 2: Assessing an Enterprise Vault FSA Environment
• Configuring and managing FSA roles
• Assessing FSA targets
• Assessing FSA Policies and Rules
• Reviewing FSA Tasks

Lesson 3: FSA Reporting
• Installing and configuring FSA Reporting
• Running and accessing FSA reports
• FSA and Data Insight overview

Lesson 4: Managing Archiving from Windows File Servers
• Adding and configuring a File Server Target
• Configuring Archive Points

Lesson 5: Managing Policies and Rules
• Policies overview
• Managing Volume Policies
• Managing Folder Policies
• Managing Policy > Archiving Rules

Lesson 6: Archiving and Accessing Content from File
• Archiving content
• Accessing archived content

Lesson 7: Managing Content on Target Systems
• Content control features overview
• Managing Retention Folder Policies
• Controlling file storage
• Managing pass-through recall
• Determining archived file deletion

Lesson 8: Performing File Server Maintenance
• FSAUtility overview
• Using FSAUtility with:
o Archive Points
o Placeholders
o Archived files
• Backing up and restoring Placeholders

IIB – Administering SMTP Archiving and IMAP Client Access

Lesson 1: Enterprise Vault and SMTP
• SMTP Archiving: Overview
• SMTP Archiving: Architecture
• SMTP Archiving: Use Cases
• SMTP Archiving installation: Overview
• Configuring SMTP Archiving: Overview

Lesson 2: Configuring SMTP Archiving
Creating archives for SMTP messages
• Configuring Retention Categories and SMTP Policies
• Configuring Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers

Lesson 3: Adding SMTP Targets
• Adding SMTP target addresses
• Adding an SMTP Archiving Task

Lesson 4: Configuring Target Address Rewriting
• About target address rewriting
• Configuring target address rewriting
• Adding target address aliases

Lesson 5: Implementing SMTP Journal Archiving
• SMTP Journal Archiving: Overview
• Configuring SMTP Journaling options
• Configuring Selective SMTP Journaling options
• Configuring SMTP Mailbox Journaling options

Lesson 6: Monitoring and Maintaining SMTP Archiving
• Monitoring SMTP Archiving
• Monitoring SMTP performance
• Using PowerShell cmdlets
• Troubleshooting SMTP Archiving

Lesson 7: Accessing Archived Items: IMAP overview
• Mail Connect (IMAP) functionality
• IMAP architecture and components

Lesson 8: Configuring IMAP/SMTP Endpoints
• Editing the IMAP notification message
• Configuring IMAP Endpoints
• Configuring SMTP Endpoints

Lesson 9: Configuring IMAP and Enabling Users for IMAP Access
• Enabling IMAP users
• Configuring IMAP Policies
• Configuring IMAP Provisioning Groups

Lesson 10: Monitoring IMAP Access
• IMAP Monitoring: Overview
• Using the IMAP Dashboard
• PowerShell cmdlets for IMAP


  • Systems Engineers
  • System Integrators
  • System Administrators

Public Program Schedule

There is no upcoming Public Batch Schedule, you can ask for Private Batch or for On-Demand Learning
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Accenture Security-India | Training Operations

We appreciate the session conducted by Rohit Srivastava on Metaverse and Web3 Security as part of the ATCI Security Week 2022.   We received excellent feedback from the audience and look forward to many such collaborative opportunities in the future.


Rich Rushton
COO Layer 8 Training

Brijesh has done an excellent job. Things are a little bit slow in May – but RPS is high on our list to fill voids in our schedule. Thank you for being easy to work with!

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